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This tab is used to capture detailed pictures of the selected item.


The pictures can be stored in the database or left in the file system.  Obviously, storing the pictures in the database will cause the database to grow.  What may not be obvious is that storing pictures in the database can also significantly slow the program startup and shutdown for large collections.  If you intend to build a large collection it is best to not store the pictures in the database.

You can set whether or not to store the pictures in the database or leave them in the file system through the Options > Pictures menu.  Selecting Options > Pictures > Save in Database stores the pictures in the database.  Selecting Options > Pictures > Save in File System causes the program to leave the pictures where they are in the file system and load them from that location during run time.  One thing to note, if you switch this selection from one option to the other, the system will give you the option to migrate the pictures as well.

If the pictures are large they can affect the performance of the application and may not load properly or show up in reports with images.  Please keep them as small as reasonably possible.  I have successfully loaded pictures as large as 2048 x 1360 pixels (1,400 KB) with no problems.