Suggested usage (Firearms example):

Note: NM Android Software is designed to add to your collection by importing items so duplicates will occur if you import the same items more than once. Therefore, if you just want to update the data on your Android device with a fresh version of the same data, you need to clear the data from your android device before re-importing from your desktop. The way you do that may vary by Android devices. The way I do it is through “Manage apps” then select NM Guns and choose “Clear data.“

  1. Export Firearms data from your desktop NM Collector Software using File > Export > to Android CSV.
  2. Copy resulting AndroidNMGuns.csv file and related picture folders to your Android device.
  3. Start NmCollector on your Android device.
  4. Import your firearms to your Android Device by clicking "Import from CSV" in the Android menu.
  5. Make whatever changes you want. Add pictures.
  6. Export your firearms from your Android device by clicking "Export to CSV" in the Android menu.
  7. Copy resulting AndroidNMGuns.csv file and related picture folders to your desktop computer.
  8. Import the updates into your desktop NM Collector Software firearms using File > Import > from Android CSV.