NM Collector Software Graphic

NM Collector Software JE

Discontinued. Please see NM Collector Cross Platform

Data Migration Service

We offer this service to those who do not want to perform the migration yourself. As an example, when migrating from NM Gun Collector Software to NM Collector Software, the data mapping below will be used. For other database applications (including Excel Spreadsheets) the data mapping will have to be developed.

NM Collector Cross Platform USB

Data Mapping

Here is the mapping of fields that will be migrated from the old NM Gun Collector software to the new NM Collector Software JE (Java Edition) software. A careful inspection will reveal slight changes and additions but all fields from NM Gun Collector are represented in NM Collector Software JE (Java Edition).

* NOTE: The table below assumes the NM Collector Software JE (Java Edition) Captions are the defaults and have not been changed.

NM Gun Collector NM Collector Software JE (Java Edition) *
Description Tab Identification Tab
 Bar Code  Unique ID
 Custom Tag No.  Custom Tag
 Manufacturer  Manufacturer
 Importer  Importer
 Model  Model
 Serial No.  Serial No.
 Type  Type
 Caliber Or Gauge  Caliber Or Gauge
 C and R?  Include in A&D Report?
Description Tab
 Nationality  Nationality
 Metal Finish  Metal Finish
 C and R?  C&R?
 Stock/Grip Type  Stock or Grip Type
 Storage Location  Storage Location
 Appraised By  Appraised By
 Appraised Value  Appraised Value
 Current Value
 Insured Value  Insured Value
 Condition  Condition
 Head Space  Head Space
 Date Manufact  Date Manufactured
 Appraisal Date  Date Appraised
 Date Current Value
 Date Insured
 Condition Comments  Condition Comments
 Notes  Notes
Pictures Tab Pictures Tab
 Picture  Picture
 Date Taken  Date Picture Taken
 Picture Notes  Picture Notes
Receipt Tab Receipt Tab
 Purchase Price  Price
 Date  Date
 Business Name  Business
 Name  Name
 License Number  License Number
 Street1  Street1
 Street2  Street2
 City  City
 State  State
 Zip  Zip
Disposition Tab Disposition Tab
Sales Price  Price
 Date  Date
 Business Name  Business
 Name  Name
 License Number  License Number
 Street1  Street1
 Street2  Street2
 City  City
 State  State
 Zip  Zip
 I. D.  I. D.
 Alien Residency Documentation  Alien Residency Documentation
 D. O. B.  D. O. B.

From nmCollector.net LLC